Ryan Artists Inc. is a full-service union-franchised talent agency, that was developed in the Pacific NW in 1996. Representing models, actors, voice over talent, Ryan Artists helps to place talent within a broad range of local and national clients.

Looking to rebrand their business in 2021, President and Owner Cholee Thompson reached out to Rose Collective to create a simple, elegant, modern version of their logo, that would carry them through the next 20+ years of business.


The New Direction

Inspired by colors, textures, and shapes from fashion and brands, we were able to create three cohesive mood-boards that would provide a general direction for the new brand - ‘modern’, ‘sophisticated’, and ‘minimal’. After careful deliberation, the mood that set the stage was the light blues balanced alongside the clean, sleek jet blacks. Using a dramatic serif font, an heir of elegance and higher class was introduced, combining the tail of the ‘R’ and the horizontal stroke of the ‘A’, the logo came together as the new face of Ryan Artists.

After moving through a few rounds of mood-boards, the client was drawn to the idea of having a single icon combining the ‘R’ and the ‘A’. Using light colors to balance out the sleek black, and incorporating a few subtle characteristics within each variation of the ‘R’ and ‘A’, we were able to come to a final version, as well as a pattern and text to accompany the icon itself.

Initial Designs

With all of the finishing touches together, Ryan Artists new branding now fills business cards, websites, signage, comp cards, and much more. A brand that will help shape and identify them throughout their growing client base for another 20+ years.

Check out their website for more information!
